We are currently hiring preschool teachers for summer school and the 2025-2026 school year. Preschool teachers are expected to have a college degree in an associated area such as English or early childhood education.
Preschool teachers teach social emotional skills, language (English and Japanese) and communication skills, premath skills such as counting and recognizing shapes, patterns and sizes. Preschool teachers teach concepts of time (reading a clock) and ideas such as yesterday, today and tomorrow. Preschool teachers also need to teach fine motor skills such as drawing, holding a pencil, and using zippers. Preschool teachers also teach gross motor skills such as running, jumping, balance and coordination.
Preschool teachers are also expected to teach basic English including the alphabet and learning what sounds are associated with which letters of the alphabet.
Preschool teachers also teach students how to use a MacBook Air to access our online course materials.
Pay DOE starting at ¥301,000 to ¥420,000 per month.
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